The application for the next round of Mitchell Scholarship awards is open now through March 1, 2025. In addition to the $10,000 scholarship (paid in four annual and equal installments of $2,500), Mitchell Scholars receive access to a broad range of free programs, resources, and additional funding opportunities — throughout their college years and beyond. This year, the Mitchell Institute will award 200 Mitchell Scholarships statewide — to at least one graduating student from every public high school in Maine who plans to attend a two- or four-year college in fall 2025.

See the drop down links below to learn more about eligibility and all of the programs available to Mitchell Scholars.
Learn more about the Mitchell Institute
Headquartered at 75 Washington Avenue in Portland, the Mitchell Institute’s nine full-time professionals are committed to the organization’s mission—to increase the likelihood that young people from every community in Maine will aspire to, pursue, and achieve a college education. We work with young people from every corner of Maine who face uphill battles on their way to college, and we level the playing field for them by providing financial resources and a broad range of supports. Through our work, we help Mitchell Scholars graduate from college at a rate that far exceeds the national average.
Learn more about the Mitchell Institute staff.
Since 2000, we have conducted longitudinal scholarship research to learn about the experiences of Mitchell Scholars and Alumni. Our research on Mitchell Scholars demonstrates that our methods work: While 44% of recent Mitchell Scholars were the first in their families to attend college and 75% came from households earning less than Maine’s median family income, they graduate at a rate 27 percentage points higher than the national average. Over 50% achieved earnings early in their careers that were higher than their entire family household income at the time they applied for the Mitchell Scholarship.